Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Upcoming Trips
Monday, October 27, 2008
1000 Stairs!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008
The Bus served as the Hospitality Center for the artists and is set to participate in an upcoming parade for Bisbee reunion class of '58?
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Rumor Central
Latest News
Business is good at the Coffee Co. This month we're competing for the Golden Cup award. Everyone is looking forward to some busier months ahead!
Drink more coffee!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Some noteworthy journal entries might be appropriate for 20 days out on the road. In case you're wondering what we gathered from the trip. I wasn't expecting any epiphanies but did experience some culture shock in the big cities and along the route.
More to come tonight, we're glad to be home!
P.S. There is still a few thousand miles of traveling to do this summer, places like: Sturgis, Northern Arizona, New Mexico, and California. We're just getting started with the Bisbee Bus so check back occasionally and see what's brewin; we also have a lot more pics from the trip we'll be posting!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

No blog the past few days as we've been Wi-fi-less! Last night we stayed in Dillon State Park, in Zanesville, Ohio. This was a beautiful suprise nestled in the trees adjacent a lake where, at last, the boys got a chance to fish. Within 6 minutes of baiting their line with stinky bait and teaching them the finer points of catching catfish...they pulled out a catfish! Made Pop look pretty smart, (and surprised Pop!)
We raced the rest of the day on major highways to get to Springfield, Illinois before the Cozy Drive-in closed at 8:00 p.m. We made it with about 15 minutes to spare and devoured enough corn dogs to impress any good Route 66'r...The Drive-in has been a landmark on Route 66 since 1950! The Cozy Dog was invented by Ed Waldmire, father of Bisbee's own Bob Waldmire (from earlier in the blog). There are plenty of tributes to Bob in the restaurant and even a collection of his art postcards, the same ones we carry in the Scoop. It was nice to connect the dots and to see this landmark amongst the franchises holding it's own. The kids, without provocation all chimed in, "look at McDonald's!, they have fewer cars than the Cozy Dog!"
The next four days will round out our trip along Route 66 as we turn the compass toward Bisbee. The trip is far from over but there's something about knowing that home is over the next ridge that starts the end credits. We still have some interesting stops to make....like....like...The leaning tower of Texas..the U Drop inn, Route 66 museum, Will Rogers memorial museum. No, I'm not trying to torture our kids! So, far, you'd think they actually liked the torture of "nostalgia".
Note to Illona and Martha in the Visitors center: While lounging outside the R.V. in a camp spot we met Ruby Wood! She came up to us and said, "we love your coffee! Do you know Bruce and Martha McAlister?" What a small world eh? They're planning a trip next year and want to know if they can come visit with the entire gang!
We've given out tons of coffee and information on Bisbee daily. Most people we talk to have heard or have been to Bisbee and enjoyed their visit, many with

Sunday, June 15, 2008

It's been 20 years since I visited D.C. It's gotten a lot busier; more specifically, we stood in line at the Aviation museum and didn't get out of line till we left, in fact, we stood in line to leave!!! I don't remember ever having to stand in line to visit a D.C. museum. The boys loved it, we walked and walked then walked. Bus lines to Metro from Memorial to Memorial, the WWII memorial was new and inspiring. It was a very fitting tribute. Amazingly, we were towed to each place by the boys, who seemed to just want to see everything and not miss a thing. The highlight of the visit was the Bisbee Gem and Mineral Exhibit. Amazing. We couldn't be more proud of the effort put into getting that exhibit displayed...it is amazing!

We've stayed at an R.V. park in College Park Maryland, apparently well known in the R.V. community for it's proximity to D.C. and the amenities it affords travelers. The crowd is 40-50 somethings with lots o kids and feels more like a day at the "Country Club" than an R.V. park. It's a nice place to relax though I'd like a nice place among the pines just as much.
Today is our last day, tomorrow we head out en route to Springfield Illinois as we promised Bob Waldmire, to gorge on Cozy Dogs and mid western corn fed beef!!! P.S. We miss home!
JUNE 12, 2008
Have you ever wanted to go to a theme park so bad you couldn’t sleep the night before? For the past few weeks, waking the boys has been like waking the dead….30 minutes of, “time to go, let’s get up, the bus is leaving.” That routine changes when the itinerary includes the biggest roller coaster and a German Hofbrauhaus. Three boys were out of bed, showered and ready to go sans breakfast before 7:30 a.m. (4:30 a.m. Arizona time); a record that won’t soon be broken.
We spent the entire day at Busch Gardens theme park outside Williamsburg VA. I must say, even for a big kid, this is one of the greatest parks I’ve ever visited. ..even better than Disneyland. From the food, the rides, and the shows, I was amazed; perhaps, partially because I haven’t been to a theme park in ten years and I haven’t visited this one since I was 16. There’s more to do than our entire day afforded us, which, was probably the only disappointment.
Jonathan started off with getting the pass to visit ANY roller coaster he wanted, just getting in over the minimum height. He chose…The Lock Ness Coaster, front row…with Dad. Jon survived, Dad almost lost his brunch. Since I’ve avoided private flying and anything close to a B-52 in 14 years I guess I’d lost my ability to ignore that little voice that says, “throwing up is no fun.” Of course, Jon was off to the next and bigger coaster but he had to help me wobble my queezy butt close enough to the next “off the charts” coaster to say, “let’s see if Nolan will go with you bud.” These coasters are unreal! If you even THINK you might get sick…they’ll set you straight. Leg’s dangling in mid air as they spiral you through more twists and loops than a NASA test pilot, and that’s just the first 200 meters! I was queezy just watching it!
We’ve rounded off the day headed up Assateague Island via the 24 mile Chesapeake bay bridge/tunnel. Rolling into the first park we could find after dark we’ll get ready for Washington D.C. Saturday-Sunday and then turn our bus towards Chicago and points (Bisbee) West.
In case you’re wondering if it’s all just hunky dory aboard the Bisbee bus. It’s not bad….but it’s a lesson in parenting, patience and a real stretch of the noggin to hang the “boss and provider” hat on the hook and learn a little about your kids and what they really want from their Dad, things I’m sure I’ll have the courage to discuss in later blogs when I’m more capable of giving it consistently. Since we’re not allowed to discuss “work” in the bus, that should happen sooner than later.
Food P.S. we’re eating in the bus this week, no big restaurants. Last night, fresh fajita’s without tomatoes, guacamole.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tomorrow is Busch Gardens roller coaster heaven (It's a surprise shhh!) We'll be on Assateague island Thursday night "dry camping" without Internet till Friday. We miss everyone but we're starting to get the hang of being "off the grid". My cell phone battery has been dead for 48 hours and I'm not sweatin it...really, well, just a bit.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Today started with a 3 mile run through the hills of Roanoke valley Virginia for Nolan and I and finished with a trial of Pirate John Vidal in a Williamsburg Courtroom. And geezus it is HOT!

We stopped to bring some closure to the days of High School in Colonial Heights that has changed more than I'd like to see. Gone is the small town, replaced by the most commercial proliferation of franchise nonsense that I've seen on this trip! There, it's out...we hold some prejudices! The old Football field and field house that housed the Champions and wannabee's has been replaced by a Gas station...enough said yes? For those of you who know Colonial Whites as it was often referred to...it's now integrated! No more cross burning's I hope.
There were plenty of highlights today that mainly included beautiful rolling hills accented by the Appalachians. Our travels included mishaps like....all the glass plates and bowls being thrown across the R.V. during an unexpected bump! Note for future....plastic plates!
We rolled through the Plantations of the Chesapeake bay around dinner time and our front of the bus conversations about slaves and Pocahontas brought the kids out of their video games long enough to start a history lesson that was emphasized by a late night mock trial in the Capital building of Historic Williamsburg at 9:00 p.m.; the real-life historic re-enactment of the Trial of John Vidal and Sarah Farley for Piracy...tried by a cadre of actors in the actual courtroom complete with candles etc. where the actual trial took place some 250 years ago!
The heatwave is supposed to break tonight with some strong thunderstorms...whew. We head next to Assateague island and then onto Washington D.C. for Father's Day weekend. Pics to follow!
Monday, June 9, 2008

AAAH we're on the road again! There's something about getting back on the road again that breathes a sigh of new adventures ahead, more coffee, new food and opportunities! We've been in Nashville/Thompson Station for 3 days and the kids have reconnected with their cousins and I've reconnected with my sister. Things are really nice here but it's time to get going. The weather is hot, muggy and we haven't seen a drop of rain since we left! We should recoin our slogan as the Bisbee Blue sky express!

On the way back from the science museum we enjoyed our first towing experience. Seems that when we reach 1/4 tank we can't stop on an incline of more than 10% or the fuel pump doesn't get fuel! We were on the way to the gas station when we stopped on this incline...2 hours later we were being towed to a fuel station. Lesson learned with 22 gallons of fuel left in the tank!
We're on our way to Virginia, Blue Ridge Parkway, Washington D.C. .....and Maryland Blue Crab!!!!
Food Post Script:
Mellow Mushroom - **** Casual Hippie Pizza joint with nothing but the best organic breads, hummus, pretzels, pizza, calzones, good service, good prices, laid back and honestly fantastic food.
Bonefish Grill: **** I promised to not frequent any chains.....really didn't know this was a chain though. Great ambience, phenomenal seafood. Tuna Sashimi, Lump Crab cakes, perfect scallops, could have used a bit more rum and mint in the mojito (go Russ!). Service was very good although you could feel the "chain" rigor and discipline ruled.
Herbs gathered today - New basil plant and enough mint for a dozen or more Mojito's! A few more months and we'd have cherries, pears, apples, and peaches!
Friday, June 6, 2008

A long day to drive and love America. From the Mississippi river we "endured" the Natchez Parkway. The Parkway is a four hundred miles of perfectly manicured two-lane road with no commercial traffic and no commercial structures and a speed limit of 50 mph! We drove into sister Toni's driveway about 10:45 p.m. and stayed up till 2 a.m. laughing, talking and catching up.
The humidity is great, no rain but plenty of heat and lightn'n bugs and mosquitos. Lot's o swamp land and now that we're in Tennessee...Confederate flags, political divides and Americana. Franklin has an amazing downtown that's as clean and neat as downtown Disneyland with great restaurants and shops. Nissan has incroporated a plant here as well as G.M. and a plethora of L.A. transplants from the entertainment industry. Toni mentioned she ran into Nicole Kidman in Starbucks recently and Miley Cyrus in Target, claims she's seen more movie stars here than she ever did in L.A.
One interesting cultural phenomena is the sense of Americana, community, religion...people are very friendly. It's easier to be much more relaxed...we're starting to slow down a bit, I hear that can be a good thing!
We'll be here for a few days while the boys get to know their cousins again...until we head up the Blue Ridge Parkway and on to Washington D.C. Miss everyone!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Misssissippi View
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Austin's got nothin on Bisbee

Finished our day in Austin at famous Stubb's Bbcue. It's tough for a restaurant owner to be critical of another so I won't dis' the food, the food is fantastic, but it's real character is around the corner from the City police station and just down the street from a Bail bondsman...if we weren't asked for money several times by guys that make our Bisbee guys look good, I'd leave it out of the blog. If it were just me and the guys, I wouldn't have noticed but when you have the family in tow it can be intimidating. We cut the Austin visit short for LACK OF PARKING for a big rig. The parking we did find was "interesting".
The boys didn't notice and had a great time.
We're staying outside of Austin, enjoying humid, hot, GREEN grass.

The boys learned how to hook up th

We are not roughing it tonight...we're staying in a "luxury" R.V. park...swimming pool, manicured lots etc. We just pull in, plug in and relax. We've handed out tons of coffee but people still think we're a family music group!! It's great for the kids cause it breaks the ice and opens an opportunity to promote Bisbee. Every lot here is booked with huge 37 foot luxury land yachts...so much for a gas crunch.

Day One and Day two in progress! We made it as far as Fort Stockton Texas. Everyone is discovering their jobs and getting their sea legs. If you've ever seen the movie R.V. with Robin Williams, you have a relative comic reference to what it might be like to travel with two teenagers and a 9 year old. Our first dinner was great though; fresh chicken ravioli with a fresh tomato basil marinara and bread we picked up a from a bakery. It's a hoot to actually cook in a kitchen in a campground, we're so accustomed to roughing it or at least enduring freeze dried stew and water. Sitting under the stars, drinking wine in the Texas plains...and it's just going to get better as we hit Austin today and Stubbs barbecue, tomorrow is Louisiana and everything Cajun!
Sunday, June 1, 2008

It's time to get outta here! Look for our daily blabberings right here every day! Toby, Jon, Nolan, Deb and Rob on the road East! Above a pic of Bob Waldmire, unofficial spokesman and phenomenal artist for Route 66. We'll be stopping at his Dad's restaurant in Springfield Illinois, Cozy Drive-in, now run by his sister-in-law. Built in 1950 it's claim to fame is the "Cozy Dog" the original "Hotdog on a stick".
Friday, May 30, 2008
Till next time Uncle C.D.!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008