With Uncle CD's passing we traveled to Kingman, hi Tyras! We said goodbye till the next reunion hopefully under better circumstances. Aunt Aleta we love you, hang in there!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
The bus took a shakedown run to the Arizona Sonoran Desert Museum for Jon's birthday...pics to follow. Here, a pic of a black-chin hummingbird eating nectar from Jon's hands. The most amazing things come in the smallest packages!
The Bisbee Bus is a 37ft. 1993 Diesel Coachmen R.V. purchased by us, Rob and Debbie Page with artwork and design by brother Michael Page of Trike Creative and wrapped by Cortez Visual Communication in Gilbert Arizona. It has all the comforts of home including full kitchen, T.V.S, full bath, A/C, XM Radio, GPS navigation, and sleeps 5 comfortably.
Initially the R.V. and the advertising were a separate affair while we were deciding on the R.V. for our summer vacations Mike and I were working on alternative methods of visual marketing for Bisbee and our three restaurants; the marriage of the two ideas was an "a-ha" moment when I noticed Mike working on an identical project for our cousin AMA Pro racer, Johnny Rock Page.
The choice to travel by R.V. was heartfelt.. Last summer our family spent months by Debbie's bed in Houston Texas as she recuperated from Cancer. This summer, while cancer is a painful memory, the decision to live for every moment is expected to orchestrate happier memories for the three boys.